2000년 11월 17일 - 12월 7일

Gallery Korea

오프닝 리셉션 : 11월 17일

Kim Hyung Joo
Michelle Lance
Cotter Luppi
David Moore
Namjoo Kim
Hobong Kim

Gallery Korea is pleased to announce the opening of Self and Other, a group exhibition of paintings, sculpture, photographs, and video, on November 17th. In the process of establishing a concord between ideas and their material realization, the artist is both producer and viewer. The various media in this exhibition reflect the manifold tools with which artists can articulate an expression of self.

Michelle Lance builds figurative sculpture by sewing together dried fruit peel. The textured skin of these hollow beings creates an enigmatic presence and indicates the process through which our apprehension of surface details informs our perception of interior meanings. The photographs of David Moore feature close-up views of figures whose skin is wrapped or bound or sometimes shrouded in ways that evoke the externalization of psychic states. Cotter Luppi draws elaborate patterns in pink and pale sienna on large sheets of paper. These colors suggest white skin and the whorling shapes evoke a narrative of cellular movement on a microscopic level.

Hobong Kim uses video to indicate ways in which the external world is transformed by subjective association and absorbed by the body as well as the brain. Namjoo Kim inserts her own face into antique photographs that are enlarged and mounted on silk. These are hung like traditional paintings and mix the old and the new to reflect extraordinary changes in the status of women. The emergence of the self within the outline of cultural tradition is reflected in the work of Kim Hyung Joo who forms the shape of clothing in relief on the surface of mulberry paper. In her small models depicting professions from the past, she informs historical research with imaginative interpretation. In different ways the art on display requires our reconstruction of the aesthetic process of expression and perception. 

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