2001년 6월 14일 - 7월 13일

Gallery Korea

오프닝 리셉션 : 6월 14일

Nina Lola Bachhuber 
Joyce Kim
Sunsook Roh 
Han Sam Son
Khanh Vo. 

Gallery Korea is pleased to announce the opening of form, an exhibition of sculpture and painting by five emerging artists who live in the New York area. In different ways the art in this exhibition reflects the physical character of two-dimensional work and the material versatility of three-dimensional installations.

Han Sam Son creates large reliefs out of layered sheets of cardboard. Boxes are broken up and attached to the surface and then repeatedly cut, covered and cut again. Here, the artist creates a scarred surface that is evocative of the way the past emerges from memory and is confronted and reconfigured in consciousness. Another artist whose work addresses memory, Khan Vo, builds architectural installations that generate a spatial tension suggestive of geographical and psychological displacement.

Nina Lola Bachhuber's installation featuring animal creatures made from plywood surrounding a circular mirror on the floor alludes to sociability in animal life. Soft animals made from fabric are strapped to the belly of some of the herd indicating the mutual needs that bind members of a group.The process of change, decay and rejuvenation is evoked in the integration of medical paraphernalia within a wiry network suspended from the ceiling in a sculpture by Sunsook Roh. In this and other works, Roh incorporates pages from the Bible that have been crumpled into balls with patches of textvisible and in this way emphasizes the material form and immaterial message of the printed word.

The forms in Joyce Kim's abstract paintings derive from layers of different colored patches that are poured as opposed to painted on the canvas. In exploring the fluid nature of paint she reduces the expressive element of the artist's hand and yet nevertheless creates luxurious, painterly paintings.

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